Amazing and Unique Craft Fair

As you drive through Mexico you will pass through many small towns where they specialize in a particular type of artisanship – woodworking, pottery, weaving, stone carvings, etc.

We read an article online about a town* known for making glass Christmas ornaments, painted by hand. It would normally be out of the way for us, but when we planned a trip to Mexico City it was right along our route. And the timing was good, since we were traveling in December. *Try to pronounce the name of the town: Tlalpujahua (Tlal-pu-ha-wa).

We were very impressed with the workmanship of the ornaments. And apparently many others are, too. The traffic getting into town was crazy. You don’t generally find traffic like this in the small towns. And then when we got into the main auditorium where the ornaments were being displayed and sold, it was difficult to walk through due to the large crowds.

This photo doesn’t give a complete sense of the crowds, but it is what the inside of the auditorium looked like.

Many stalls full of ornaments

Outside, additional small vendors were selling ornaments, as well as other crafts and foods:

Outside the ornament marketplace

No two ornaments are exactly alike, since they are hand painted. And if they don’t have exactly what you want, they’ll make what you want. Here are some samples:

Before continuing our journey to Mexico City we ate lunch at one of the stands in town. Tacos for both of us plus one soda to share cost about $3.80 US, including tip.

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