Leaving Pleasanton

What are we leaving?

Originally “Leaving Pleasanton” was going to be the title for this blog. I hesitated with that because our new adventure is not really about leaving anything – our home town of Pleasanton, our jobs, etc. It’s about where we’re headed – we’re headed to an entirely different lifestyle in another country. We’re looking for new experiences and the adventure of doing something completely different.

I’ll try to use descriptive titles for the posts. Browse through them to see if any sound interesting. We’ll be posting more over the coming days and weeks.

Oh, and why did I not go with “Leaving Pleasanton” for the title? It seemed too limiting, as leaving our hometown was just one of our adventures. I looked for an available web address that encompassed our initial adventure yet was broad enough to allow me to write on other topics. Please join us as we share our adventures here.

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